Patrick Williams undertakes community-centred research with a focus on racial, social & economic injustices across the criminal legal systems of the UK and Europe. He was Senior Lecturer in Criminology (2007-2024) at the Manchester Metropolitan University before becoming Head of Research at Systemic Justice (2022-2024). Patrick now works in service to the Harm to Healing Coalition, which seeds and develops community-led infrastructures to resist the harms of the criminal legal system.
Martha is CEO of JMB Consulting, which supports third sector organisations to move beyond tokenistic and performative diversity gestures and grapple with the legacy of racism, imperialism and colonialism that is the heart of the charity sector. Martha works with organisations to understand racism, reflect on their relationship to white supremacy and work towards an anti-racist vision for a liberated future – particularly focused on redistribution of money and resources.
Dan is Save the Children's Interim Executive Director for Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns. He leads Save the Children's programmes supporting families across the four nations of the UK and teams delivering wider policy, advocacy, campaigns. Before joining Save the Children, Dan worked for the National Lottery Community Fund as the Senior Head of Portfolio Development, and for local and national anti-poverty charities. Dan brings a wealth of experience in charity governance, supporting grassroots action and equitable transformative funding practice
Nick Lowles is chief executive of HOPE not hate, the UK's largest anti-racism and anti-extremism movement. He was the former editor of anti-fascist magazine Searchlight.
Nikki is the Director for Campaigning and Communities for The Wildlife Trusts. Her specialisms cover campaigning to influence policy at national and local level, community empowerment, and youth-led organisational development. She passionately believes that communities being in control of their own spaces helps create a healthier, happier society for all. Her background as an artist means she brings creativity to support others in experiencing nature and how it improves the quality of our lives.
Naimah co-founded the Global Media Campaign and Africa Women Rights Advocates. Both organisations centre women-led movements and sustainable change. She is an award winning campaigner, disruptor, and policy shifter. For the past 15 years, she has worked to support community-led initiatives, innovations, strategies, and education. Being the change she wants to see is part of her DNA. She is an international trainer, and speaker on different stages, including TED (2019).